Pastors Kidz

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Pastors Kidz

Are you a pastors kid?


Don't you just hate when you know your being watched by the whole church? You know if you make one mistake everyone's gonna be on your case about it. Well we've all experienced that before. People may think our lives are the easiest in the world, but they are so wrong! Our lives are full of chaos, and we hardly have any time to straighten it out.


Pastor’s kidz have so much weight on their shoulders, its not even funny, seriously. We have to balance church, family, friends, and schoolwork and trust me that’s not easy. If you’re a PK you know exactly what I'm talking about. But some how we manage to keep a smile on with all of the physical and emotional stress we face.


Keep up the good work PK's and hang in there.

Pastors Kidz
Hannah Nunez